Donnerstag, 9. April 2009

YAKINDU Statechart Tools: M02

After about a month of work the M02 version of the statechart tools is online. This version contains some new features that are very valuable like a Java code generator, a UML2 transformation,  and a common expression language for guard and action expressions. Existing parts like the simulation engine, the C code generator, the Eclipse IDE integration and of course the documentation were improved.

The following diagram gives an overview of the top level tool components.

I like the new version very much and think it is very usable. Nevertheless there are still things to do. The next topics we are currently working on is support for test driven development of state charts. So this will include a test DSL (domain specific language) that allows to specify test cases independently of whether you execute the tests by using the state chart interpreter or the generated C or Java code. We will use a textual test DSL that will be implemented using Xtext. Additionally the next version will also contain a source feature that is not published yet.

Everyone who is interested can download the YAKINDU statechart tools from the download page. Please first take a look at the user guide that is also available there.

Dienstag, 10. März 2009

YAKINDU Statechart Tools published

Today we (the itemis Yakindu team) published the first version (M01) of the YAKINDU Statechart Tools.

The Yakindu development tools are a tool kit for model based development and the statechart tools are the first module provided by this project. The tools apply the concept of state machines that are well understood and formal enough to describe behaviour unambiguously. The statechart tools support editing, validating, simulating state machines and generating code from state machines. The tools are provided as Eclipse-plugins and integrate tightly into the IDE.

The simulation of a state machine is integrated with the debug perspective of Eclipse and uses the Yakindu Statechart Diagram Editor to visualize the execution of the state machine by highlighting active state and current transition. Additionally, the user can interact with the simulation by sending triggers to or by changing variable values within the simulator to drive the state machine. The screenshot shows a simulation session in action.

This version includes a C-code generator. Generators for other target languages like Java and PLCs will follow in the next version. This will be published end of march.

The statechart tools are built on Eclipse technologies especially from the Eclipse Modeling Project and openArchitectureWare like EMF, GMF, Xpand, Xtend and Check.  

You can download the plugins as well as the user guide from the  Yakindu website. Of course there is also an Eclipse update site where new versions of the tools will be published. Please take a look at the user guide for details on using the tools. We hope that you like the statechart tools and we highly appreciate any feedback.

Mittwoch, 7. Januar 2009

MacBook Wheel

Typisch Apple - Innovation durch Vereinfachung. Es geht auch ohne Keyboard! Beeindruckend ist auch die 'Predictive Sentence Technology' ;-) .

Mehr Infos gibt's hier:

Apple Introduces Revolutionary New Laptop With No Keyboard